
For thousands of years, goats (and sheep) have been used to manage land. Just think about it. I mean, thousands of years. A proven practice that’s chemical-free, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly. SLO GOATS & SHEEP specializes in targeted grazing in San Luis Obispo (SLO) County. Our clients have multiple objectives, including vegetation management, fire fuel reduction, and soil restoration. The herd is protected 24/7 by two livestock guard dogs and a solar-powered electric fence. Every day a representative from SLO GOATS & SHEEP checks the herd’s mental and physical status, ensures the fencing is intact, and feeds and loves on the hardworking dogs.

It’s an fun experience and the herd leaves behind rich, organic fertilizer. A win all around!

Call Cindy at SLO GOATS & SHEEP today at 480-309-3933 because we’ve got happy, healthy, and hungry goats and sheep that love to climb hills and devour invasive vegetation – the steeper, the better.

Fire Fuel Reduction, Soil Restoration, & Vegetation Management